The Promised Land
In the autumn of 2007 Cornerstone ministries organised an Arab-Jewish reconciliation conference in The Netherlands. The participants of the conference were Jewish, Arab, and other believers in Yeshua. The participant were asked to provide a written response to a series of 7 questions. These responses were submitted and then discussed at the conference. The seven questions are listed below. De links will show a pdf file with a short essay.
Question #1
What is the Promised Land? What connections are there between the Land and the Kingdom of Heaven?
Question #2
What are the geographical borders? Will these borders stay the same over time?
Questions #3
To whom does the Promised Land belong? What Scriptures reveal that the Promised Land does not belong to Israel, if any?
Question #4
What is the eschatological perspective regarding the Promised Land? When will the full recovery of the Land take place? What stages toward that will occur, if any?
Question #5
Are all implications for the Promised Land limited to the Covenant between the God of Israel and His chosen people or is there to be a place for others, like descendants of Ishmael, who have lived in the Land ever since?
Question #6
Is there a role to play for the Church regarding the Promised Land?
Question #7
What are the implications of what Scriptures reveal regarding the major conflicts of today: Arabs and Jews, the Nations and Israel, EU, and Islam?
The conference was sponsored by Cornerstone Ministries, The Netherlands, and directed by Mokhtar Essid (cornerstone-ministries.info). These essays were written by Ariel Berkowitz and submitted as part of his participation in the conference. We thought others might find them either helpful, interesting, or both.