TRI Copyright Agreement
Torah Resources International (TRI) is a non-profit organization that shares Timeless Torah Truths. It is our desire to provide resources for the edification of Biblical faith, study and discipleship. Very careful and extensive research and study goes into the preparation of all workshops, seminars, and conferences. For TRI teachers, this is their life’s work, and together with honorariums, is a significant part of their means to support their families. TRI reserves and ensures all copyrights for each TRI teacher to be solely reserved for those teachers.
As a student registered in an online course, you are permitted to download and print ONE copy for your own individual use. All materials, including the text, outlines, and quizzes are copyrighted materials. These materials are copyrighted by the author and may not be reproduced, distributed, or sold by anyone other than TRI and Shoreshim Publishing Inc.
This document is an appeal to you, to understand the need for such copyright protection. TRI teachers are serving the Body of Messiah full time in this work. We wish you to be able to see the importance of supporting the TRI ministry by embracing our need to guard our work in this way. Your participation in this agreement is an essential help to TRI’s development. Supporting the development of our ministry will help to bring forth the further restoration of Hebraic understanding of the Bible to the Body of Messiah. Please consider your purchases of TRI materials to be an honourable investment in the work of TRI teachers and writers. Your purchases help to support the spreading of Biblical Torah resources going out to all the nations that request our materials. Further publications of TRI materials for you are made possible, in part, through the funds brought in from the sale of these teaching materials.