Weekly Parasha and Haftara readings

In the table below the Torah and Haftara readings are listed for each week. Click on a link for the Briteinu commentary of the Torah portion.

2024-09-28 Nitzavim Standing Deu 29:9–30:20 Isa 61:10–63:9 Joh 15:1–11
2024-09-28 Vayeilech He went Deu 31:1–30 Isa 55:6–56:8 Rom 10:1–17
2024-10-05 Ha’Azinu Hear Deu 32:1–52 2Sa 22:1–51 Rom 10:17–11:12; 12:1
2024-10-12 Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Lev 16:1–34, Num 29:7-11 Isa 57:14–58:14 Heb 9:1–15
2024-10-19 V’Zot HaBrachah This is the blessing Deu 33:1-34:12 Josh 1:1-18
2024-10-26 Bereshit In the beginning Gen 1:1–6:8 Isa 42:5–43:10 Rev 22:6–21
2024-11-02 Noach Noah Gen 6:9–11:32 Isa 54:1–55:5 Mat 24:36–46
2024-11-09 Lech-Lecha Get yourself out Gen 12:1–17:27 Isa 40:27–41:16 Rom 4:1–25
2024-11-16 Vayera He appeared Gen 18:1–22:24 2Ki 4:1–37 Luk 1:26–38; 24:36–53
2024-11-23 Chayei Sara Sarah’s life Gen 23:1–25:18 1Ki 1:1–31 Mat 1:1–17
2024-11-30 Toledot History Gen 25:19–28:9 Mal 1:1–2:7 Rom 9:1–13
2024-12-07 Vayetzei He went out Gen 28:10–32:3 Hos 12:13–14:10 Joh 1:19–51
2024-12-14 Vayishlach He sent Gen 32:4–36:43 Hos 11:7–12:12 Heb 11:11–20
2024-12-21 Vayeshev He continued living Gen 37:1–40:23 Amo 2:6–3:8 Mat 1:1–6, 16–25
2024-12-28 Miketz At the end Gen 41:1–44:17 1Ki 3:15–4:1 Mat 27:15–46
2025-01-04 Vayigash He approached Gen 44:18–47:27 Eze 37:15–28 Luk 6:12–16
2025-01-11 Vayechi He lived Gen 47:28–50:26 1Ki 2:1–12 1Pe 1:1–9
2025-01-18 Shemot Names Exo 1:1–6:1 Isa 27:6–28:13
1Co 14:13–25
2025-01-25 Vaera I appeared Exo 6:2–9:35 Eze 28:25–29:21 Rev 16:1–21
2025-02-01 Bo Go Exo 10:1–13:16 Jer 46:13–28 Rom 9:14–29
2025-02-08 Beshalach After he had let go Exo 13:17–17:16 Jdg 4:4–5:31 Rev 19:1–20:6
2025-02-15 Yitro Jethro Exo 18:1–20:23 Isa 6:1–7:6; 9:6–7 Mat 5:8–20
2025-02-22 Mishpatim Rulings Exo 21:1–24:18 Jer 34:8–22 Mat 17:1–11
2025-03-01 Terumah Contribution Exo 25:1–27:19 1Ki 5:26–6:13 2Co 9:1–15
2025-03-08 Tetzaveh You are to order Exo 27:20–30:10 Eze 43:10–27 Heb 13:10–16
2025-03-15 Ki Tisa When you take Exo 30:11–34:35 1Ki 18:1–39 2Co 3:1–18
2025-03-22 Vayakhel He assembled Exo 35:1–38:20 1Ki 7:40–50 Heb 9:1–11
2025-03-29 Pekudei Accounts Exo 38:21–40:38 1Ki 7:51–8:21 Heb 8:1–12
2025-04-05 Vayikra He called Lev 1:1–5:19 Isa 43:21–44:23 Heb 10:1–18
2025-04-12 Tzav Give an order Lev 6:1–8:36 Jer 7:21–8:3,9:22-23 Heb 9:11–28
2025-04-19 Shabbat Pesach Sabbath of Passover Exo 33:12–34:26 Eze 37:1–14 1Co 5:1–8
2025-04-26 Shmini Eighth Lev 9:1–11:47 2Sa 6:1–7:17 Heb 7:1–19
2025-05-03 Tazria She conceives Lev 12:1–13:59 2Ki 4:42–5:19 Luk 7:18–35
2025-05-03 Metzora Infected one Lev 14:1–15:33 2Ki 7:3–20 Mat 23:16–24:2, 30–31
2025-05-10 Acharei Mot After the death Lev 16:1–18:30 Eze 22:1–19 1Co 6:9–20
2025-05-10 Kedoshim Holy people Lev 19:1–20:27 Eze 20:2–20 Mat 5:43–48
2025-05-17 Emor Speak Lev 21:1–24:23 Eze 44:15–31 Luk 14:12–24
2025-05-24 Behar On Mount Lev 25:1–26:2 Jer 32:6–27 Luk 4:16–21
2025-05-24 Bechukotai By my regulations Lev 26:3–27:34 Jer 16:19–17:14 Mat 22:1–14
2025-05-31 Bamidbar In the desert Num 1:1–4:20 Hos 2:1–22 Rom 9:22–33
2025-06-07 Nasso Take Num 4:21–7:89 Jdg 13:2–25 Joh 12:20–36
2025-06-14 Beha’alotcha When you set up Num 8:1–12:16 Zec 2:14–4:7 Rev 11:1–19
2025-06-21 Sh’lach Send on your behalf Num 13:1–15:41 Jos 2:1–24 Heb 3:7–4:1
2025-06-28 Korach Korah Num 16:1–18:32 1Sa 11:14–12:22 Act 5:1–11
2025-07-05 Chukat Regulation Num 19:1–22:1 Jud 11:1–33 Joh 3:10–21
202507-12 Balak Balak Num 22:2–25:9 Mic 5:6–6:8 Rom 11:25–32
2025-07-19 Pinchas Phinehas Num 25:10–30:1 1Ki 18:46–19:21 Joh 2:13–25
2025-07-26 Matot Tribes Num 30:2–32:42 Jer 1:1–2:3 Act 9:1–22
2025-07-26 Masei Stages Num 33:1–36:13 Jer 2:4–28 Jam 4:1–12
2025-08-02 Devarim Words Deu 1:1–3:22 Isa 1:1–27 Act 7:51–8:4
2025-08-09 Vaetchanan I pleaded Deu 3:23–7:11 Isa 40:1–26 Mat 23:31–39
2025-08-16 Eikev Because Deu 7:12–11:25 Isa 49:14–51:3 Heb 11:8–13
2025-08-23 Re’eh See Deu 11:26–16:17 Isa 54:11–55:5 Joh 7:37–52
2025-08-30 Shoftim Judges Deu 16:18–21:9 Isa 51:12–52:12 Mat 3:1–17
2025-09-06 Ki Teitzei When you go out Deu 21:10–25:19 Isa 54:1–10 1Co 5:1–5
2025-09-13 Ki Tavo When you come Deu 26:1–29:8 Isa 60:1–22 Luk 24:44–53
2025-09-20 Nitzavim Standing Deu 29:9–30:20 Isa 61:10–63:9 Joh 15:1–11
2025-09-27 Vayeilech He went Deu 31:1–30 Isa 55:6–56:8 Rom 10:1–17
2025-10-02 Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Lev 16:1–34
Num 29:7-11
Isa 57:14–58:14 Heb 9:1–15
2025-10-04 Ha’Azinu Hear Deu 32:1–52 2Sa 22:1–51 Rom 10:17–11:12; 12:1
2025-10-07 Sukkot Tabernacles Lev 22:26-23:44
Num 29:12-16
Zec 14:1-21 Joh 1:1-18
2025-10-11 Shabbat Sukkot Sabbath of Tab. Exo 33:12-34:26 Eze 38:18-39:16 Luk 2:1-14
2025-10-14 Shemini Atzeret The eighth day Deu 33:1-34:12 Josh 1:1-18 1Jn 3:1-3
2025-10-14 Simchat Torah Rejoicing in the Torah Deu 33:1-Gen1:1-2:3 Josh 1:1-18 1Pt 1:22-25