Prepare for Yom Kippur

Day 10 – starts Fri. Evening 11 Oct.

Verse 17 You will not covet your neighbor’s house; you will not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything
that belongs to your neighbor.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.


Day 9 – starts Thu. Evening 10 Oct.

Verse 16 You will not bear false witness against your neighbor.

This one also seems a no brainer. Of course you don’t. Apparantly it’s not that simple.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

What would tempt you to bear fasle witness? And how to counter?


Day 8 – starting evening of 9 Oct.

Verse 15 You will not steal.

This instruction seems an easier one. Although ….

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.
— Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.


Day 7 – starting evening of 8 Oct.

Verse 14 You will not commit adultery.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.
— Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.


Day 6 – starting evening of 7 Oct.

Verse 13 You will not murder.

On one hand this seems so obvious. But being 1 year after 7 Oct 2023 it is not. But why is this instruction given to you and me?

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.


Day 5 – starting evening of October 6th

Verse 12 Honor (kavod) your father and your mother, that you may live long in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

For two reasons “you will”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

Day 4 – starting evening of October 5th

Verse 8-11 Remember the Sabbat day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you will not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and ceased on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

Day 3 – starting evening of October 4th

Verse 7 You will not lift up the name of the LORD your God empty of who He is. For the LORD will not leave him unpunished /clean who lifts up/carrys His Name empty of who He is.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.

Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

Day 2 – starting evening of October 3rd

verse 4-6 You will not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in Shamayim above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

You will not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third
and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My mitzvot.

For two reasons “you will not”
One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.

Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

Print booklet for all 10 days with space for notes: click here

Day 1 – starting evening of October 2nd

Exodus 20 verse 3 There will not be to you other gods upon My Face.
For two reasons “you will not”

One, the new creation you, hidden in Messiah will not.
Two, living The Covenanted Life, you will not.

— Not living The Covenanted Life, your flesh is able to break any of The Ten Words.

Meditate on this verse and make notes of your thoughts.

Print booklet for all 10 days with space for notes: click here