Dear Friends of TRI,
Ways of sending support:
- Cheques can be sent to: The Israel Fund of Beit Brachot Messianic Fellowship.
You can include a note in the envelope together with your cheque that says your donation is for Torah Resources International. They will send the full amount to us. In the Memo line write: Israel Fund
Mail to:
Beit Brachot Messianic Fellowship
60 Peterson Rd.
Starks, Maine 04911
- Electronic transfer:
Go to the Beit Brachot website,, scroll to the bottom of the first page and click on the Donate button; Enter the amount. In the “Use this donation for” box, click on the drop down arrow and select Israel Fund.
- Directly via PayPal to Ari and D’vorah:
If you are able to help, we would deeply appreciate it. If you are not able to help, we know that you pray for us and we count this to be a huge help.Deeply appreciating each of you,
Ariel and D’vorah Berkowitz
Torah Resources International
Camel tapestry: picture taken at Genesis Land, a nice place to visit