2020 IMC Conference  

It is for freedom that Messiah has set us free, and G-d’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.  

Yet many Believers still struggle in their daily lives attempting to be what we are created to be because we cannot stop  being who we think  we are. Why is this so?


Our Father our Creator has instructed us to meditate  on His Word day and night, and to set our minds on things above not on things on the earth.  Why are we taught to live this way?  What does that look like? And what would happen if we did?!


Come join us along with speakers Ariel Berkowitz, Tim Hegg, and Rob VanHoff as we search the Scriptures to answer these questions and help the saints to live within our new reality in Messiah.


When: July 17-19th 2020  

Where: Washington Borough Fire Hall, 100 Belvidere Ave., Washington, NJ 07882


FULL Conference Registration Pricing: $80 Adults, Ages 13-17 $50, Ages 5-12 $25, Ages 0-4 $5

DAILY Conference Pricing: $30 Adults, Ages 13-17 $25, Ages 5-12 $20, Ages 0-4 $5

ONLINE ACCESS $20 daily                                              

An Erev Shabbat Dinner will be provided for those who would like to join Us.  Please add an additional $10 per adult, and $5 for children under age 10.  See IMC page www.messiah2020.org 

R.S.V.P. via email or phone by July 1st 2020  beitbrachot@yahoo.com or call 908-674-5601. 

Child Care will be provided – Ages 2-12 $10 daily.  Any questions please email or call: beitbrachot@yahoo.com or 908-674-5601

Payment: Checks, MO, or cash – NO CREDIT CARDS.  Please make checks payable to Beit B’rachot Messianic Fellowship and in memo portion of check please indicate it’s payment for IMC 2020.

Contact Us with any questions at: beitbrachot@yahoo.com or call 908-674-5601.


Segment #1:  Re-discovering New Creation Reality

Speaker : Tim Hegg


The Vocabulary of the New Creation

Exploring the theological words that describe what Yeshua accomplished and who we now are in Messiah. Why do we refer to what happened on The Tree as The Finished Work of Messiah? (salvation, justification, redemption, reconciliation, etc.)

Purpose: We will explore these Truths establishing The Foundation for why we can know that we are not who we once were.

Summary Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17 | “If anyone is in Messiah, he is a new  creation; the old has gone, behold, the new has come.”ωστε ει τις εν Χριστω, καινη κτισις· τα αρχαια παρηλθεν, ιδου γεγονεν καινα·


Segment #2:  The Authority for the New Creation

Speaker : Rob Vanhoff 


Rob’s sessions will place special emphasis on the authority and trustworthiness of The Scriptures. From that position, we will ask ourselves the following question: Am I able to believe the truth about myself as a new creation with a new reality in Messiah. — Rob will also teach the grammatical structure of The Ten Words and its implications. 

Purpose: Our daily experience will not tell us the Truth about our reality in Messiah. We can only know about our new reality by what The Creator tells us. And He put it all in writing!  Can we trust it?

Summary Scripture: Isaiah 40:8 | “The grass withers, the flower fades; but The Word of The Lord stands forever”

יבש חציר נבל ציץ ודבר אלהינו יקום לעולם׃​


Segment #3:  The Lifestyle of the New Creation

Speaker : Ariel Berkowitz 

Summary: Ariel will examine the lifestyle of built-in reminders of Truth embedded in the Torah.

Purpose: We will be searching the wisdom of the Biblical lifestyle to see its role in firmly establishing our mind.

Summary Scripture: Psalm 119:32 | “I shall run in the way of Your mitzvot, for You will enlarge my mind.”

דרך מצותיך ארוץ כי תרחיב לבי׃


Verses and Questions

Use the following verses and questions to help prepare for this Conference. 

The Scripture says, “It is for freedom that Messiah has set us free” (Galatians 5:1) and God’s “power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). Yet, God’s Word also tells us exactly why many believers do not experience living within their true biblical realities. Psalm 78 tells us that a generation doesn’t live the Truth of who we are in Messiah “because we did not firmly establish our mind”,  דור לא הכין לבו (Psalm 78:8). Why is this so? 

We are instructed by our Creator, our Father, to meditate on His Word day and night — to set our minds on things above, not on things below (not on things on the earth). Why are we given these instructions? What does it look like to live these instructions? 

And what would happen if we did live these instructions? 

We are created to think in questions. Let us explore together. 

Galatians 5:1 | “It is for freedom that Messiah set us free.”

2 Peter 1:3 | “God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to His own Glory and Goodness.”

Joshua 1:8 | “Yes, keep this Book of the Torah on your lips and meditate on it day and night, so that you will take care to act according to everything written in it.” ​